[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]In today’s modern world, we’re exposed to stress and stimulation at all hours of the day, which is exhausting our bodies and brains.
Whether we’re binging box sets, doom-scrolling social media, or reading work emails on our lunch break, people are using more brain power than ever.
So, is it any wonder that we’re increasingly turning to energy drinks and vitamin supplements for concentration to stay productive and focused?
While energy drinks and coffee are a great way to increase your energy and focus, they are far from an ideal solution, and regular use can leave you literally addicted to caffeine. Instead, you should take a holistic approach to your concentration and ensure you have all the nutrients you need to keep your brain working smoothly throughout the day.
There is tons of evidence that supplementing with certain vitamins, minerals or herbal extracts can boost your focus, motivation and even creativity. Furthermore, by focussing on proper nutrition, you can support your general health by taking vitamin supplements for concentration, so finding the right supplement for your needs is a win-win![/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row el_class=”icon-box-styles icon-yellow-unaligned-br-style-1 icon-yellow-unaligned-br-style-2″][vc_column][vc_column_text]
Table of Contents
What Supplements Should I Take to Concentrate?
While dietary supplements aren’t a magic cure for declining focus, they may help you stay focussed throughout, and they’re almost definitely healthier than drinking five cups of coffee a day. The following vitamins, minerals and natural extracts have been proven to support cognitive function, including memory, creative thinking and concentration:[/vc_column_text][icon_box icon_position=”left” border=”0″ title=”Vitamin D”]D vitamins are some of the best things you can take if you’re trying to find vitamin supplements for concentration, as they support healthy nerve function and overall brain health. Furthermore, low vitamin D levels are linked to impaired brain function, and most Americans suffer from low vitamin D levels, so it’s a good place to start supplementing.[/icon_box][icon_box border=”0″ title=”Vitamin B12″]Vitamin B12 is incredibly important for brain health, as it helps to maintain nerve cells in your brain and may boost your mental energy levels, as it is vital for your body’s energy production. In contrast, low levels of vitamin B12 have been linked to lower cognive performance and memory loss in older age, so an adequate intake of this vitamin is vital for your long-term brain health.
RELATED: Learn more about the eight B vitamins and their benefits here.[/icon_box][icon_box icon_position=”left” border=”0″ title=”Choline”]Although it technically isn’t a vitamin, choline is a water-soluble essential nutrient that supports brain development and nerve function, making it a worthy addition to any list of vitamin supplements for concentration. Choline is related to other important vitamins like folate and the B vitamin family, and while it has many common food sources, most Americans are choline deficient, according to the choline information council.[/icon_box][icon_box border=”0″ title=”Omega-3 Fatty Acids”]Omega-3 fatty acids are critical for brain function and development, and low levels of omega-3s are linked to accelerated brain aging, poor short-term memory and mental health issues. While omega-3 fatty acids can be found in fatty fish like salmon, mackerel and sardines, most Americans don’t get enough to meet the recommended daily amounts, so we recommend fish oil supplements whether you need vitamin supplements for concentration or not.
RELATED: Omega-3 fatty acids can be found in various supplements like fish oil and cod liver oil – read more about their pros and cons here.[/icon_box][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_row_inner el_class=”icon-box-styles icon-box-half-br-1 icon-box-half-br-2″][vc_column_inner][vc_column_text]
Herbal Supplements (nootropics)
The term “nootropics” refers to substances that boost your cognitive performance (by improving energy, concentration, memory, etc.) and is used to refer to a variety of herbal extracts that may boost your brain power. These herbal supplements have been proven to improve cognitive function and support brain health and include:
RELATED: Learn more about the brain-boosting benefits of herbal supplements here.[/vc_column_text][icon_box border=”0″ title=”Ginseng” image=”3949″]Panax ginseng (ginseng for short) is a root that resembles ginger and has been used in traditional Chinese medicine for centuries. A 2010 study found that supplementing with ginseng improved calmness and ability to do math in participants, making it as effective as any other vitamin supplements for concentration. [/icon_box][icon_box icon_position=”left” border=”0″ title=”MCTs” image=”3950″]Medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs) are more bioavailable than common long-chain triglycerides (LCT) and offer many brain-health benefits, especially in people with Alzheimer’s. Studies show that MCT supplements increase brain energy and can even provide energy to dying brain cells, promoting concentration and supporting brain health as you age.[/icon_box][icon_box border=”0″ title=”L-theanine” image=”3951″]L-theanine is an amino acid found in black and green tea that helps to improve attention and brain function by increasing the formation of alpha waves and neurotransmitters like GABA and dopamine in the brain. You can easily incorporate l-theanine into your daily routine by drinking a couple of cups of green tea – with an average of 25-60mg of l-theanine per cup – and you may not need to take vitamin supplements for concentration as well.[/icon_box][icon_box icon_position=”left” border=”0″ title=”Rhodiola Rosea” image=”3952″]Rhodiola is an herb native to cold, mountainous regions of Europe and Asia with adaptogenic properties, meaning it helps your body adapt to stress. A 2012 study found that supplementing with 400mg of rhodiola rosea per day significantly improved symptoms of stress like fatigue and anxiety, improving cognitive function.[/icon_box][icon_box border=”0″ title=”Maca Root” image=”3953″]Maca root is believed to be a superfood with some nootropic benefits, as it works directly on two regions of the brain (the pituitary gland and hypothalamus) to help boost concentration. Some studies show that maca root can improve mood and energy, making it a good herbal equivalent to vitamin supplements for concentration.[/icon_box][icon_box icon_position=”left” border=”0″ title=”Ginkgo Biloba” image=”3954″]Ginkgo biloba is a popular herbal supplement with anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects, but it may also help boost your cognitive ability. Ginkgo biloba is known to improve circulation – an important factor for brain health – but there are limited studies showing it can directly improve cognitive function.[/icon_box][icon_box border=”0″ title=”Ginger” image=”3955″]Widely used in traditional medicine and Asian cuisine, ginger contains 14 unique bioactive compounds with various health benefits, including antioxidant effects. The compounds in ginger have been found to improve cognitive function and maintain brain health, so you should consider taking ginger alongside vitamin supplements for concentration. [/icon_box][icon_box icon_position=”left” border=”0″ title=”Turmeric” image=”3956″]Like ginger, turmeric is tasty and good for you, as the bioactive compound in turmeric – curcumin – may help to treat anxiety, depression and more. Furthermore, these health benefits are present in all forms of turmeric, whether you prefer to eat it fresh, cook with turmeric powder or use turmeric supplements.[/icon_box][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]
Why Do We Need Supplements for Focus and Concentration?
While modern living has given us unprecedented wealth and luxury, it also brings constant stimulation and distractions that drain our focus and concentration. Our brains weren’t designed to handle social media and near-limitless entertainment in the palm of our hands, leaving you overwhelmed and less able to focus on the important things in life
Furthermore, many people are deficient in vitamins and minerals important for brain health, such as vitamin D and omega-3 fatty acids. So, even if we had all the nutrients we needed (which we don’t), many people would struggle to focus on their daily tasks, which is why many use vitamin supplements for concentration.
How do we pick the right supplements for Concentration?
If you find your mind wandering at work or struggle to focus during conversations, you may benefit from taking a supplement for concentration. However, finding the right supplement for your needs can be tough, as each ingredient in the list above has unique health benefits.
Because your brain health is directly linked to nutrition, you should focus on supplementing with vitamins or minerals that are lacking in your diet, such as B vitamins and choline. Additionally, look for supplements that have gone through 3rd party testing and contain plenty of active ingredients to ensure you’re getting trustworthy vitamin supplements for concentration.
How Can I Increase My Concentration and Focus?
Concentration is defined as the ability to direct your attention whilst excluding unrelated thoughts and ideas, but many people struggle to stay on task when a dozen other things are fighting for their attention. While it’s not possible to eliminate all distractions from our lives, we can increase our concentration and focus with some simple lifestyle changes, including:
Reducing Distractions
It’s easier to focus when we’re not bombarded with information, so try blocking out an hour or so to focus on a specific task, go somewhere quiet and hide or turn off your phone to eliminate distractions.
Tackling One Task at a Time
While multitasking can make us feel more productive, it divides focus across multiple tasks, and can interfere with our working memory, so taking things one step at a time might help you more than some vitamin supplements for concentration.
Getting more sleep
Sleep is vital for letting your mind and body recharge, so make sure you get the recommended 7-9 hours of shuteye by sticking to a set bed-time and avoiding screen time before bed to give your brain the rest it needs to function well.
Taking a break
When you focus on a single task for a long time, your concentration may begin to wane, so try taking a small break by switching tasks, taking a short walk or chat to a friend or colleague to recharge your focus.
Regular exercise is great for general health, and can even improve your cognitive performance: Studies show that exercise releases chemicals that are key for memory and concentration, and subjects performend better on cognitive tests after exercise, so a jog may be better for you than vitamin supplements for concentration.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row el_class=”icon-box-styles icon-box-bottom-br-1 icon-box-bottom-br-2″][vc_column][vc_column_text]
Best Vitamin Supplements For Concentration
Your brain health and concentration are directly linked to your lifestyle, so eating a balanced diet exercising regularly and getting plenty of sleep are the best ways to improve your concentration and focus. However, many people struggle to get enough vitamins and minerals from their diet alone, so dietary supplements are a great way to ensure you give your brain the nutrients it needs.
However, not all supplements are created equal, so here are our recommendations for supplements that are proven to improve your cognitive performance and concentration:[/vc_column_text][icon_box icon_position=”left” border=”0″ title=”Vitamin D” image=”3971″]Most Americans have a mild vitamin D deficiency, so we strongly recommend vitamin D supplements even if you aren’t interested in using vitamin supplements for concentration. Furthermore, vitamin D supports healthy nerve function and low levels are linked to impaired concentration, so this vitamin is most likely to help you focus.[/icon_box][icon_box border=”0″ title=”Omega-3 Fatty Acids” image=”3958″]Omega-3 fatty acids, particularly EPA and DHA are highly beneficial for memory and concentration, as they make up over 10% of your brain’s physical gray matter. Additionally, omega-3 fatty acids support joint health and tackle inflammation, so they are great at helping you stay generally healthy.[/icon_box][icon_box icon_position=”left” border=”0″ title=”B Vitamins” image=”3959″]B vitamins are a group of eight closely related, water-soluble vitamins with various health benefits, and B12, B9, and B1 are known to be especially helpful for cognitive performance. Vitamin B12 protects nerve function, while B9 (AKA folate) protects against inflammation, and B1 (AKA thiamine) boosts energy levels, so you should consider taking B complex vitamin supplements for concentration.[/icon_box][icon_box border=”0″ title=”Vitamin E” image=”3960″]Vitamin E has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, which help protect your brain from oxidative damage and age-related cognitive decline. Supplementing with vitamin E promotes long-term cognitive function and memory into old age, making this a great supplement for concentration if you take the long view.[/icon_box][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]
Bottom Line
Your brain is a complex organ, affected by hundreds of biological processes, so while there’s no simple way to improve your cognitive function, proper nutrition goes a long way to help you focus at work. Taking vitamin supplements for concentration helps boost your brain power by giving your brain the nutrients it needs to work hard without the side effects of stimulants like caffeine and sugar.
The best way to boost your concentration is by taking care of your brain, so make sure to eat a balanced diet, exercise regularly, get plenty of sleep and use dietary supplements to get the nutrients you struggle to fit into your diet. And as always, we recommend you take dietary supplements as part of a healthy lifestyle and ask your doctor if you have any concerns about side effects or interactions with medication.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]